using the OWLIM triple store with a Sesame interface.
Test with DME data
We have loaded the store with test data from the OAC descriptions available at:
For example, is described with the following triples (see
<> rdf:type dfs:Resource
<> rdf:type oac:Annotation
<> dc:title "Algier"
<> j.1:created "2011-03-17 15:14:17.899"
<> j.1:modified "2011-03-17 15:14:17.899"
<> dc:creator "guest"
<> oac:hasBody <>
<> oac:hasTarget _:node341
_:node341 rdf:type rdfs:Resource
_:node341 rdf:type oac:ConstrainedTarget
_:node341 oac:constrainedBy _:node342
_:node341 oac:constrains ""
<> rdf:type rdfs:Resource
<> rdf:type oac:Body
<> rdfs:label "Control Point for 'Algier' (36.752887, 3.042048)"
Example queries:
select distinct ?x where {
?x a oac:Annotation
gives the list of available annotations. (see{%3Fx%20a%20oac:Annotation}&limit=0&infer=true)
select distinct ?lab where {
?x a oac:Annotation.
?x oac:hasBody ?b.
?b rdfs:label ?lab.
?x oac:hasTarget ?t.
?t oac:constrains ""
Added Pleiades links:
A simple association based on similarity was applied to detect when the annotation related to a place known to Pleiades. For each of such annotations (e.g., about “Corsica”, which is, triples similar to the following were added:
<> oac:hasBody <>
<> rdf:type wgs84_pos:SpatialThing
Small extension of the Ontology:
A new class was created called GeoAnnotation. Intuitively, this class represent the oac:Annnotation(s) that point to (oac:hasBody) geographical objects (wgs84_pos:SpatialThing).
It is therefore defined in abstract OWL syntax as
class (GeoAnnotation partial oac:Annotation)
class (GeoAnnotation complete restriction(oac:hasBody someValuesFrom(wgs84_pos:SpatialThing))
In other words, GeoAnnotation is the class of annotations that have a body which is a SpatialThing. In triple form:
<> rdf:type owl:Class
<> rdfs:subClassOf oac:Annotation
<> owl:equivalentClass _:node417
_:node417 rdf:type owl:Restriction
_:node417 owl:onProperty oac:hasBody
_:node417 owl:someValuesFrom wgs84_pos:SpatialThing
Based on this definition, the system is able to infer that the annotations that have been connected to Pleiades objects are GeoAnnotation. The query:
select distinct ?x where {
?x a <>
gives the corresponding results (see{%3Fx%20a%20%3C}&limit=100&infer=true )
The query:
select distinct ?d ?b ?l where {
?x a <>.
?x oac:hasBody ?b.
?x oac:hasTarget ?t.
?t oac:constrains ?d.
?b a wgs84_pos:SpatialThing.
?b rdfs:label ?l
gives the list of relationships between documents and Pleiades places (see{%3Fx%20a%20%3C}%0A&limit=100&infer=true )
Test with Arachne Data
Using the following query:*:*&fq=kategorie:topographie&start=0&rows=10000&fl=+Pfad,+id,+kurzbeschreibung,+antikeRoemProvinzTopographie,+ort,+Genauigkeit+Ort_antik,+antikeGriechLandschaftTopographie,+Geonamesid&qt=standard&wt=json&explainOther=&hl.fl=
we can obtain a list of potential annotations from Arachne, with information about images relating to places, that can have modern and ancient names.
There are (apparently) a bit more than 5000 items in this list, running the same similarity-based process as above, we could relate a bit more than 2000 of them to Pleiades URIs.
They all appear, with the previous queries, as Annotations and GeoAnnotation. With this dataset, there are now many documents refering to the same place. We can for example obtain the list of documents referring to “” with the query:
select distinct ?x where {
For example, the place “Hispania” ( is the body of 1 DME (geo)annotation and 4 Arachne (geo)annotations (see
PREFIX oac:<>
select ?x where {
?x a <>.
?x oac:hasBody <>
Other possible extensions
There are different kinds of GeoAnnotation (and different types of documents considered). For example, some data would mention both documents about the location, and documents that cite the location, but are about something else. Maps of particular locations might have a specific status, as well. We could add sub-properties of oac:hasTarget for example or subclasses of GeoAnnotation.
In addition Mathieu’s work, Sebastian Heath has been considering implmentations in RDFa. It is common to use the html element ‘link’ within an html ‘head’ to indicate the location of alternate versions of web resource. The most common application of this convention is to indicate the presence of Atom or RSS feeds.
Resource authors/publishers can use the following convention to indicate the location of RDF-serialized Pelagios-compatible oac:Annotations.
<link rel=”x-pelagios-oac-serialization” title=”Pelagios compatible version” type=”<mime-type>” href=”<URI>”/>
- The @rel MUST be equal to "x-pelagios-oac-serialization".
- The @type SHOULD match the mime type of the
resource pointed to by @href.
- The @type SHOULD be one of:
- text/turtle
- application/rdf+xml
- text/rdf+n3
- text/plain (if correct, this is
- application/xhtml+xml
(for RDFa)
- text/html (for RDFa.
Because we should be robust and not assume that all servers are correctly
- The value of the title attribute is not
significant. Authors MUST NOT use it to communicate any information to the
Pelagios crawler.
The Pelagios Crawler (TM) will recognize the presence of the link @rel combination and expect to find Pelagios-compatible annotations at the referenced URI.{%3Fx%20a%20oac:Annotation}&limit=0&infer=true